Plaque HD: the 1st plaque-identifying toothpaste

Identifying Plaque Has Never Been More Fun & Effective

Encouraging patients to maintain their teeth free of plaque between hygiene recalls is certainly a difficult challenge. Even though there are multiple home-care solutions available for dental professionals, patients continue to come back with as much plaque then at their last appointment. What if you could offer your patients a fun, yet highly effective toothpaste to help them see plaque, one of the #1 causes of dental problems?

This is what Plaque HD toothpaste is all about; showing the patients the areas they should target more while brushing by identifying dental plaque as a teal green color. It is the 1st professional plaque-identifying toothpaste, and it contains Targetol Technology, an all-natural, plant-based teal disclosing agents made of annatto extract. It weakens the core of the plaque structure to help the patient visualize and more effectively remove it at home. Imagine how more user-friendly Plaque HD is compared to messy disclosing tablets.


Kids Are Loving It
Imagine how stimulating and encouraging it can be for children, and even for young kids, to see less and less green color day after day. Tell the parents to make it a game to play each morning and before bed! Fight the green color! Make brushing fun! They will brush longer and it will make your life easier.









Ideal for Orthodontics Patients
Plaque is the #1 damage caused to teeth and gums during orthodontics treatment. We understand that one of the saddest situations experienced by orthodontists is when the braces are removed, and even if the smile is beautiful, there are multiples caries around the teeth because the patient was not able to brush properly. It can even create conflicts between patients, parents and the dental team.

Click to Learn More about Plaque HD!


If you Wish a C.E. Presentation in your Office on Plaque HD...
At Oral Science, we have team of dental professionals that is ready to support you integrating innovative solutions for the treatment of caries, xerostomia, oral lesions and periodontitis. If you wish to meet one of them for an in-office presentation on Plaque HD (you would also get C.E. points), please visit or call our Customer Service at 1 888 442.7070.


We look forward meeting you!

- Chloé

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